Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Adventure Time Season 5 Wrap Up

So, we're gonna do something a little different and drop a blog on something not TORC Press related.  Anyway, if you know anything about me, you know I Loooove Cartoons, and my favorite cartoon right now is "Adventure Time".  Season 5 just wrapped up, and it was a darn fine season of cartoon teevee.  Finn had a lot of rough moments this season.  His romantic life was a trainwreck, he embarrassed himself a lot, and he was forced to break his Family Sword.  But, Finn had some pretty cool victories as well.  Jake became a Dad to a litter of Rainicorn Pups (who all grew up really fast).  We learned a bunch of stuff about the histories of Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, and the Ice King.  Tree Trunks got married, B-MO's origins were revealed, and we got a couple of sets of Graybles.  All in all it was a really cool season.  Anyway, I used Wikipedia to go through the season, and figured out what my Favorite and Least Favorite episodes of the season were.  This was a HUGE season, with a whopping 52 episodes in total.  Anyway, I've got my 5 Least Favorite Episodes, my 5 Honorable Mentions, and my 5 Favorite Episodes of the Season.  Here we go:

My 5, these episodes ain't actually Bad, I just didn't like em so Much Episodes:

5.  Red Throne- Plot:  Flame Princess, having taken the throne of the Flame Kingdom, is overthrown by the tag team of her father and the mystical Don John.  Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun enlist Finn to get the throne back.
Why I'm not so into it:  In a lot of ways this is a great episode, but this episode is, essentially, the final nail in the coffin of Finn's relationship with the Flame Princess.  I really liked the Finn/Flame Princess romance, and it bummed me out to see it irrevocably come to a close.  Also, Finn is kind of a dingus throughout this episode.  Finn sums it up best at the end when he says, "Man, I got showed up by Cinnamon Bun."

4.  The Party's Over Isle de Senorita- Plot:  After having a "fight" with Princess Bubblegum, Ice King gets lost at sea and washes up on an Island that is, in fact, a giant woman.  Hijinks ensue.
Why I'm not into it:  Again, this really isn't a bad episode.  There's neat stuff in here.  Unfortunately, this episode is really, really creepy.  The Ice King's delusional romance with Princess Bubblegum, and his perspective on their (non-existant) relationship is normally kinda funny or sad, but in this episode it's just creepy.

3.  The Suitor- Plot:  Deciding that Princess Bubblegum isn't getting out enough, Peppermint Butler tries to get Bubblegum to date a young candy-man named Broko.  Things do not go well for young Broko.
Why I'm not into it:  As the series has progressed, we have had a number of "Princess Bubblegum is a B.... Not a Nice Person" episodes.  This may be the worst of the lot, as Princess Bubblegum essentially tortures a poor schmuck named Broko.  Broko's ardent and doomed pursuit of the Princess is painful to watch, sucking all of the fun stuff out of this episode.

2.  Davey- Plot:  After saving a bunch of Candy People from a Dragon, Finn is mobbed with admirers.  Attempting to escape them, Finn creates an alter ego named "Davey".
Why I'm not into it:  I hate the old "I'm an awesome guy, but I just want a normal life" trope.  Hate it.  This episode is one of those kind of episodes.  So, boo.

1.  Box Prince-  Plot:  A bored Finn discovers a kitty cat with a box on top of it.  Soon Finn discovers an entire cardboard kingdom populated with cats living under boxes.  Convinced that his kitty is an overthrown prince, Finn sets out to restore the "Box Prince" to his Cardboard Throne.
Why I'm not into it:  Ugh.  This episode is just a total waste of time.  Finn wastes his time in a pointless plot, and in the meantime Jake spends the whole episode trying to get a tortilla chip out of his teeth.  I know a lot of people worked hard on this episode, so I feel bad crapping on it.  Still, this one is a total botch job.  Sorry.

My Top 5 Honorable Mentions:

5.  Blade of Grass-  Plot:  Having broken the Family Sword, Finn needs to get a new sword.  He ends up with a "Grass Sword", which just happens to be cursed.  Whoops.
Why I Dig It:  Finn gets a new sword.  A cool new sword.  Also, a cameo by Choose Goose.  And Grass Monsters.

4.  Billy's Bucket List- 5th Season Finale- Plot:  After winning a rap battle with a bear, Finn sets out to settle the Bucket List of Billy, the Greatest Hero Ever.
Why I Dig It:  After an entire season of Finn kind of falling on his face, Finn finally has a really good episode where things go well for him.  Also, fighting Giant Lizards on the back of a motorcycle.  Also, the Cliffhanger ending.

3.  Play Date/The Pit- Plot:  In this 2 parter, a Demon shows up and drags Jake off to be tortured, thinking Jake is his Dad, Joshua.
Why I Dig It:  This is something of a sequel to my All-Time-Favorite episode "Dad's Dungeon".  On the downside, Finn loses his Family Sword.  On the upside, everything else.

2.  Finn the Human/Jake the Dog- Plot:  In this other 2 parter, the Season 5 Premiere, Finn gets sent to an Alternate Universe where the Great Mushroom War never happened, while Jake hangs out in the Time Room with the omnipotent Prismo and the Cosmic Owl.
Why I Dig It:  Alternate Universe Schananigans, the Cosmic Owl, Chloris Leachman as an elderly alternate Marceline, and hanging out in a hot tub with a 2 Dimensional Cosmic God who loves Pickles.  Need I say more?

1.  We Fixed a Truck:  Plot- Finn finds a truck which he promptly names "Hot Daniel".  Finn and Jake enlist Banana Man to help them fix the truck.  Also, Princess Bubblegum gets replaced by a Lizard Monster.
Why I Dig It:  The Banana Man is voiced by Weird Al Yankovic, which is good enough.  Other than that, reread the Plot Description.  Need I say more?

My Top 5 Favorite Adventure Time Episodes from Season 5:

5.  James Baxter the Horse:  Plot-  A horse named James Baxter shows up and cheers up kids by rolling around on a beachball saying "James Baxter".  Finn and Jake become enamored with the Horse's act and attempt to imitate his act, with mixed results.
Why I Dig It:  There's a whole, really neat story about this episode that you can read all about on this episode's Wikipedia entry.  Other than that, there's a lot of fun and cool stuff scattered throughout this episode, and the ending is brilliant.  "Ja--a-a-ames Baxxxxter!!!"

4.  Dungeon Train:  Plot-  Finn is bummed out from his break up with Flame Princess.  He and Jake stumble onto an "Infinite Train" that is also a self repeating Dungeon.  Finn becomes obsessed with the Train, while Jake just wants to go home.
Why I Dig It:  Have you ever been really bummed out and depressed, and you just wanted to sit around and play video games forever?  Of course you have (and if not video games, you can substitute movies or pizza or whatever).  That's what this episode is all about.  It's got some great lines ("You were just responding to the Butter!  This whole Train is Butter!"), and some cool monsters.  Also, I like Finn's collection of Mystic Weapons.

3.  Vault of Bones:  Plot-  Back when Finn and the Flame Princess were still dating (remember those wonderful days?), Flame Princess gets bummed because the Flame King is trying to subliminally force her to be Evil.  Finn takes Flame Princess on a Dungeon Crawl to clear her head.
Why I Dig It:  I love the Dungeon episodes in general (see above), and I really love this one since it features Finn and Flame Princess when they were happy together.  There's a lot of cool skeleton monsters (the King Skeleton is awesome).  Also, I love the difference in approach between the way that Finn does a Dungeon Crawl and Flame Princess approaches it.  Lastly, if you've ever ran around in circles in a dungeon (either in a video game or an RPG), you can appreciate this episode quite a lot.

2.  Simon & Marcy:  Plot-  In a Flashback, we see a young Marceline and a pre-Ice King Simon Petrikov attempting to survive in a post-Apocalyptic world.
Why I Dig It:  I'm pretty sure most people would argue that this is the Greatest Episode of Adventure Time ever, and I'm not really here to convince people otherwise.  This is a beautiful, brilliant, amazing episode that cements Adventure Time's position as an incredible work of television.   I get a little choked up at the end of the episode as Simon dons the crown and desperately sings the theme song from "Cheers" as a lifeline to maintain his sanity.  A sanity that he is doomed not to maintain.   I love this episode.  Ironically, still not my favorite of the season.  Speaking of which...

1.  TIME SANDWICH!!!!!:  Plot-  Jake makes the Greatest Sandwich Ever.  Before he can eat it, Magic Man shows up, steals the sandwich, and encases himself in a "Slow-Time-Bubble" so he can enjoy eating it.  Jake needs to find a way to get inside the bubble and reclaim his sandwich before Magic Man can woof it down.
Why I Dig It:  It's frickin' hilarious.  It's utterly ridiculous.  And it's about a sandwich.  Hands down my favorite episode from an excellent season.

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