Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Xipe Topec

Today's new edition of Skull Mob:

Skull Mob.  Issue 1.  Page 7.  www.torcpress.com

The man in the chair is called Xipe Topec.  The character is another in a long line of characters inspired by the various works of Clive Barker, who has been probably one of the most significant influences on my work.  Specifically, Xipe was inspired by an action figure from the Todd McFarlane/Clive Barker "Tortured Souls" series.  I loved those action figures, because it was cool to have these little 3-D models of these horribly mutilated monsters that I could stare at and study.

Xipe Topec has made a handful of appearances to date.  He first appeared in "Pulp Horrorshow" vol. 2 #2.  In his first appearance he was simply the unnamed leader of the mysterious and monstrous Vermin Angels.  I don't think he popped up again until "SDF: Pulp", where he made little cameos throughout the series.  It was in this series that we first see him in his "I'm pretending to be feeble and sit in this chair in my crappy pin-strip suit" mode.  It was also the first time we hear his name, which was supposed to be "Xipe Totec", which means "Skin Flayer", but due to a Josephian error, he became Xipe Topec, which probably means nothing.  I kinda liked the name, and stuck with it.  Xipe would reemerge with the series "Death Moth", where it is revealed that he was responsible for both of Bad Jack's resurrections.  He also appears in the 3rd of the recent aliceislost strips.  On several occasions he is referred to as "Mr. Dodo" or "Dodo", and in aliceislost we see why, as Xipe wears a Purple Dodo mask and refers to his location as "The Land of Lost Birds".  His handmaidens, who I think first popped up in Death Moth (we'll talk about them more in a page or two), can be seen wearing Robin (the bird, not Batman's sidekick) and Blue Jay masks.  Xipe recently made a little cameo in TORC 100, where he is seen sending Death Moth to Neptune against his will.

Xipe Topec is the Leader of the Vermin Angels, which are a group of Fallen Angels that fell down from the Highest Dimension of Heaven and crash landed in the Negative Energy Dimension, aka the 6th Dimension, aka the Outer Abyssal Rim, aka Not-Really Hell but Might as Well Be.  Unlike the Demons of Hell that serve only Corruption, the Vermin Angels serve the cause of Justice, in their own, horrible, violent way. 

Xipe Topec is kinda like the devil in a way.  He offers Lost Souls a second chance, only to enslave them into an eternity of service to his cause.  The Vermin Angels aren't working towards Redemption, if anything, they're working to prevent further Damnation.

Most of the time, Xipe Topec wears a cheap, powder blue suit, and can be seen holding a cane and sitting on an old, splintery, worn out wooden throne.  This is Xipe Topec's idea of a joke, much like his unusual nickname, "Mr. Dodo".  The only hint of his true nature is his horribly mutilated skin and the rows of fangs peaking out from behind his ravaged lips.  When Xipe Topec's authority is challenged, he has no problem revealing his true nature.  Which we'll see later on.  But most of the time, Xipe is content to look like a used car salesman. 

Xipe Topec is the exact opposite of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club's" Omnichronus.  If Omnichronus is a representation of a god that cares about those beneath it, then Xipe is a representation of a god that doesn't give a damn about the safety and well being of those below it.  Xipe demands that those below him serve him unquestioningly, and do so until they are no longer of use to him.  He's not a good guy, and more importantly, he doesn't want to be one.  Xipe has a job to do, and it's far more important than a petty little thing like the lives of others.

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