Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Skull Mob pt. 2

Uhhhhh.... Brain dead.


The new Skull Mob comic I'm doing is gonna run on Tuesdays and Fridays.  There won't be a new strip this Friday though.  We'll start the full schedule next week.  I know, it doesn't make any sense.  Nothing I do ever does.

Speaking of things that don't make sense, as you know, I can't just do one book.  I can't do it.  It's completely insane, but that's the way I've always operated.  Now, I know what you're saying, "Waitaminute Joseph, you're already got "SDF" and now you're doing the new "Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club", so that's two books.  Why do "Skull Mob"?"  Well, that's a good question, invisible person who's not actually talking to me.  And the answer is quite simple, I'm nuts.

Cactus Joe & his Gang are always on top.  The Clown is my main character, always has been, always will be.  The Clown's adventures have smashed headlong into space.  They've gone Cosmic and Epic and Crazy.  We're bouncing from world to world and dimension to dimension.  And I love it.

Over in SDF we've got poor Octopus Jones.  He's the down on his luck hero perpetually dumped from one horrible situation to another.  The ground level guy just trying to survive in a world gone mad while trying to protect the people he cares about.  He's on the opposite end of the spectrum from the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club.

Then we've got the scumbags down in the depths.  The horrible monsters that crawl through sewage, living beneath the sidewalk.  Expendable nobodies who may or may not survive to see another day.  The heroes that ain't that much different from the villains they maliciously slaughter.  The Inglorious Basterds of the TORCverse.  This is where the Death Moth lives.  If you're gonna soar through the Heavens and walk the Earth, it only makes sense that you've gotta go to Hell to round out the experience.

And that's the Skull Mob.

Next week our full schedule will start, which is:
Monday- HFSAC
Tuesday- Skull Mob
Wednesday- SDF
Thursday- HFSAC
Friday- Skull Mob

I'm sleepy.

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