Monday, December 13, 2010

HFSAC 9 and Random Ramblings

Welp, this is gonna be a rough winter. It's already stupid cold, and now we've got our first, serious, screw up people's plans snow. On the bright side (sorta), we're not even gonna bother sawmilling until at least noon, so there's that. So, whatta we got today?

As I've obsessively hyped already, we've got a new book for sale over in the online store at It's the 9th issue of the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club, and it's the start of an exciting new arc called "The Pyramid". It's also the last book I'll be putting out in 2010. I'm not sure what my overall count for the year has been, but I think I've put out close to 18 books this year. That's nothing to sneeze at, even if several of those books were only 9 pages long. Since comix were pretty much my entire life this year, I'll probably do a year end wrap up in a week or two where I yammer about all the books I've put out this year.

On the production end, HFSAC 10 is currently at the Printers. The interiors of HFSAC 11 are done (which is nice. The last time I did a three issue story arc, "SDF: Honorless Dogs", it didn't come out anywhere near on time). I've got enough MONSTER KING material to get me to February, which is also nice. With the work on the Pyramid arc wrapped up, I'm going to take the rest of December and January off from the Fudgeheads. The plan is to line up the two "Mystery Books" I talked about earlier, get the Spring issue of "Gulatta!" started, and get some more MONSTER KING material together.

What else? Uh, wanna watch "True Grit" when it comes out. Also need to watch "Black Swan", but good luck on me getting out on time to catch that one. I've got a couple of conventions lined up for next year, and I'll start lining up others as soon as the New Year starts. Oh, and my Christmas shopping is done.

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