Monday, November 8, 2010

Back from Mid-Ohio

I'm back from Columbus, safe and more or less sound. I'd like to thank everyone that came out and supported TORC Press at Mid-Ohio Con, especially since it seemed like getting people to try something new at this show was like pulling teeth. Woof. Still, we did okay, especially when you factor in how absolutely horrible our table positioning was. When I got to the show, I went looking for my table, and I couldn't find it. I was like, "Where's table 005? The numbers end at 010." Then I noticed there was another, tiny, secret, hidden row on the other side of the aisle, facing the wall. My immediate response was, "We're doomed," (in my best C-3PO voice), but we did okay. Part of what helped was that I split a table with Clint Basinger of Cosmic Moustache fame. Not only did that cut back on my expenses, but it gave me someone to talk to over the weekend (as opposed to GMX where I was not only in a crummy spot with an unresponsive audience, but I also had no one to jabber with). Perhaps the most frustrating part of the show was that a really good table was open and never claimed the next aisle over, but there was nothing we could do to acquire it. Well, I suppose we could have gone all pirate and just taken the table as our own, but that would be rude to all the over poor schmucks stuck in our aisle. But like I said, we did okay, so it's no biggie.

Anyway, that's it for me and Conventions for the year. I've already got a heads up on several conventions for next year, and I've got new plans on how to tackle next year's conventions and hopefully make some extra scratch. It's all a learning process, really. In the meantime, a new book will go live in the online store next week (well, sorta new, I've been selling it on the Convention Circuit for a couple of months now), HFSAC 9 is at the printers, HFSAC 10 is in production, SDFP 6 is ready to go to the printers in a week or two, SDFP7 is written, and I've got 6 weeks worth of material for MONSTER KING ready to go. Whew.

In the meantime, it's back to the Sawmill with me. Yee-haw.

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