Monday, June 24, 2013

Back in Business

TORC Press has been out of commission for a week due to a loss of internet access.  I've got the problem solved, so everything should be back to abnormal now.  Other than that, we're moving the release date for new issues of SDF to Wednesdays now.  We'll check back in with the Watch in a couple of days.

Oh, and if you don't have a copy yet, go to the main site at and pick up a copy of Truth or Consequences 100.  It's approved by everyone I've talked about it.  That's like, 4 or 5 people.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Art of 100

For my 100th comic you would think I would play things safe and create the art the same way I create the art for my other comix.  But, I'm me, so I figure why not experiment, why not?

The basics of the Art remained the same.  I penciled fast and loose and light, and I did most of the actual work in the Inking stage (which is bass-ackwards, by the by).  Next, I went through with a brush and added some heavier inks to most of the pages, to give it a little more of that 70s Kirby Blorpiness that I love.  After that, I did something that I started doing in the pages of "Death Moth", namely, I would do a little shading with just a mechanical pencil.  It's a weird technique, and I'm not sure if it works, but I'm currently experimenting with it, so what the hell.

Next up, if there's any "Special Effects" on the page:  Fire, Smoke, Lightning, or Death Rays, mostly, I would paint them in using Acrylic Paints, a trick I started using in "Clown & Penguin".  After that dried, I would then use Colored Inks and a Brush to hand color all of the Central characters on the page, something I started doing in "Truth or Consequences Zer0".  That's right, the whole book is kinda-sorta hand colored by ME.  Finally, I scanned the whole thing into the computer and finished coloring everything else in Photoshop.

It was a crazy (and slow) process, and the end result is a book that doesn't look like anything else out there in the Comics World.  At first, I honestly wasn't sure it worked, but the more I look at it, the more I love it.

If you wanna support my particular brand of Mad Comix Science, head over to and score a copy of my 100th comic, "Truth or Consequences 100".  I guarantee you've never seen anything like it before.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Truth or Consequences 100


You know what that sound is?  That's the sound of accomplishment.  That's the sound of me completing my 100th comic and putting it in my online store so a couple of people can buy it.  That's the sound of me exhaling before I plunge madly into What's Next.

Anyway, it's time to do my hype thingie.  "Truth or Consequences 100" is the 100th comic from TORC Press.  It's 36 Pages in bizarre, not even sure if it works, Full Color.  It's self contained.  It's $6.00 plus $2.00 S&H.  You can check out a preview at:  Or you can buy it in the online store at:  Or you can send a check or money order for 8 bucks to:  TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

What's it about?  Welp, there's some bad mojo on the planet Neptune.  Cactus Joe the Clown, Pengy Penguin, Tea Cup, Death Moth, Octopus Jones, and other heroes are drawn to the blue and green planet to confront the horrors within.  Also, everyone goes Bowling.  It's Pure TORC Press.  It's pretty killer.

That's what's up with me.  How are you doing?