Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Current Workload

Welp, now that Bro's Wedding is over (Congrats again to Ryan and Mary), and the yearly Memorial Day Trip is over, it's time to start doing my thing I do, and that's make Comix.  I'm already soliciting SDF #5 online.  Other than that, Here's what's coming up...

Truth or Consequences 100-  My 100th comic is almost done.  It's so close I can almost taste it.  It will take a few more weeks, but it's my priority right now.  It's a pretty good book, too.  It's pretty much the quintessential TORC Press comic, jammed into 36 pages of wonderment. 

Pulp Horrorshow #3- I finished the online edition a while back, but I never put out the print edition.  I'm starting Pencil Work on the 12 page back up story that will feature the origin of a character that will be featured in TORC 100. 

SDF #4-  Issue 5 is currently beginning online.  Issue 4 wrapped up not long ago, but the print edition is still unpublished.  Issue 4 will feature a back up story featuring the latest chapter in the aliceislost saga. 

Pulp Horrorshow #4-  The concluding issue of Pulp Horrorshow also wrapped up a bit ago, and again, the print edition hasn't come out yet.  Issue 4 will feature a back up starring the Death Moth, because the world needs more Death Moth.

Clown & Penguin #3-  The concluding issue of probably the Best Damn Comic I've Done to Date is next on the priority list after 100 wraps up.  This one will be crazy Epic and will feature lots of Omnichronus, plus another Untold Tales of Clown & Penguin back up.  Which brings us to...

Clown & Penguin #0-  This one is actually done.  I did it for 24 Hour Comic Day last year (I know, it makes no sense).  The reason why the book hasn't been released yet is because it takes place after the Untold Tales of Clown & Penguin story in C&P #3 (I know, I know, It REALLY makes no sense).  Anyway, after C&P #3 this issue will be coming out.

Clown & Penguin Special-  The follow up to Clown & Penguin #0 and the last piece of the Lost Story of Clown & Penguin.  I just wrote the "script"... outline... thingy.  It's also a big ole fight scene.  I love big ole fight scenes.

In addition, there's some "Lost Comix" that never came out that I would like to eventually release.  These Include:

Cactus Joe: Vampire Hunter- I never wrapped up the Cactus Joe vs. Lord Vlad story from SDF: Pulp way back when.  I'd like to do that sometime.

SDF: Cyclopean- This is a two part story that I actually finished way back when but never published.  It was a two part story pitting Cactus Joe against Old One Eye.  It was a good story.  Not sure why I never published it.

New Super Duper Fun Comix: C- Another story I completed way back when, but never published for no good reason.  This was a pretty cool story also.

Cosmic Love #5-  I was halfway through with this story when I abandoned it in order to start work on Clown & Penguin #1.  Like most issues of Cosmic Love, it was so-so.  Still, it leads in to the Untold Tales of Clown & Penguin from C&P #1, so for Continuity's sake, it's worth completing I guess.

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club #17-  This was supposed to be the concluding issue of HFSAC, but I didn't wanna finish it cause it's kind of a sad, angry issue.  Given how much fun this series was, I didn't really wanna complete the issue, so I never started it.  Now, things have changed, and I kinda need to do this issue.  I'm thinking I may try to do the whole thing over the course of a weekend or something, just to get it done.

Other than that, I've got two new webcomics I'll be starting in June or July.

I am the Human Comix Machine.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Something to Throw Money At

So, I'm of two minds about this whole Kickstarter phenomenon.  On the one hand, I love that it's a truly democratic, grass roots way for people to fund various projects without having to beg big fat corporations for money.  That's cool.  On the other hand, the Lone Wolf, Blue Collar Dude in my doesn't like the idea of begging anybody for money just to produce something.  In my world, you take all the financial risk yourself, then you produce the product, then you beg people to buy it.

(Speaking of which, there's a TON of great, affordable comix for sale in my online store at www.torcpress.com.  Just sayin'.)

Having said all of that, I just saw a Kickstarter project that I immediately dumped money into.  Apparently Jack Kirby's Grandson is attempting to publish a coffee table book full of photos of the King, unpublished artwork, and a full, unpublished play.  In my opinion, the world can't have enough Jack Kirby anything in it, so I immediately pledged to the Kickstarter.  Plus, I get some stuff with it, so that's cool too.  Anyway, if you want to check it out, it's at:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1478125734/personal-look-into-the-life-of-jack-kirby-the-king.  I know it's already fully funded, but whatever man.  Get in on it.


Monday, May 6, 2013

SDF 5, FCBD, and Other Letters

Alrighty!  Right off the bat I would like to take a second to thank everyone that supported TORC Press at Free Comic Book Day at Comic Quest in Evansville, IN!  After an absolutely abysmal show like C2E2 (I can't stress this enough:  C2E2 = Worst Show Ever), it's nice to go to the Best Darn Comic Store in America, COMIC QUEST in Evansville, IN (run by my good friends Jim and Monti), and display my comics and have people purchase comics and be receptive to my work.  It is like the difference between night and day, having people actually show an interest in what you're doing and try you out, for good or ill, than spending three days watching people race by you with upturned noses.  So, again, thank you to the patrons of Comic Quest that gave me a shot.  I appreciate it and hope you liked the books.

In other news, we're back in the webcomic "business" (if your webcomics make no money, can you call it a business?).  The Fifth and Concluding Issue of SDF has started being posted online.  You can jump straight to the page at:  http://www.torcpress.com/sdf5-1.html.  If you're new, SDF posts a new page online every Monday.  Also, if you're new, you can read the entire series online for Free in the Archives at:  http://www.torcpress.com/sdfweb.html.  Although, for the record, you can truly support the cause by purchasing the Print Editions of the issues through my online store at:  http://www.torcpress.com/store.html.  And as an added bonus, all of the Print Comics have exclusive Bonus Strips. 

Will Octopus Jones escape the deadly Dr. Strangler?  Will the Community survive their Night of Terror?  Find out, Free Online, as TORC Press presents the Final Exciting Issue of SDF!!!!!

Hee-Hee.  Hype.