Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Beginning 100

With Death Moth #2 completed (available now at www.torcpress.com), it's time for me to move on to my 100th comic, the appropriately titled "Truth or Consequences 100".

I actually had a plot outline for this comic ready to go months ago.  Originally, the comic was going to serve a handful of purposes:  1) It was going to be an homage to my very first comic "Pulp Horrorshow" (vol. 1) #1, which would mean that it would have three stories and a 1 page Walt n' Sped back-up strip.  2) It would be a nice comic to introduce people to my comix world.  3) It would set me up for some future story-lines.  In the original draft there was a story featuring Clown & Penguin teaming up with Octopus Jones and the Chupacabra, a story featuring Dr. Dream teaming up with Electric Cherry, and a story about Death Moth teaming up with Renee K-9.  And yes, that's a lotta team-ups.  Eventually, I decided to introduce a brand new character, so I scrapped the Dr. Dream/Electric Cherry story and replaced with a story introducing this new character.  And that was that.  I was set up.  Good to go.  Nothing to do but start drawing.

There was only one problem.

The whole thing was boring as hell.

The more I thought about this comic, the less it seemed like a killer comic designed to celebrate a personal comix milestone, and more like something a Modern Marvel Writer would write.  And for those of you that don't know this, there is nothing lamer in this world than a comic that seems like it was written by someone from Modern Marvel.

So, I did the only logical thing I could think of.  I scrapped the whole damn thing and rewrote it at lunch one day.

(And yes, I am implying that I can write a better, more exciting story on the back of a post-it-note at work over lunch break than an entire team of Marvel "Architects" can over the course of years of planning.  And the really sad part is:  I'm not wrong.)

The new story is ridiculous.  It's too fast paced, too busy, too confusing, too weird, has too many characters crammed into too little space, features Way too much Action, and doesn't make a damn lick of sense.

In other words, it's the Perfect TORC Press Comic.

I'm really excited about it, and over the next few weeks, I'll be talking more about the process behind this Landmark Issue.  So there you go.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Death Moth #2 Now Available!

Welp, it finally happened.  Issue 2 of the most messed up comic I've ever produced, "Death Moth" is now available from TORC Press.  It's $4 plus $2 Shipping & Handling.  You can check out a Preview (and even Buy It) over at:  http://www.torcpress.com/dm2prev.html.  Or you can send a Check or Money Order to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824. 

So, what's this nonsense about?  Welp, it's obviously a continuation of the previous issue, where our hero, Bad Jack the Death Moth is once again in Life or Death Battle with the Living Cancer, the Nefarious Dr. Dendull.  They engage in what is easily the most F***ED up Battle in TORCverse History.  In the meantime, we get a series of Flashbacks filling in some of the missing history of the Death Moth's Past Lives when he was Gold Hawk and Bad Jack. 

As an added Bonus, Death Moth #2 also features a Bonus "aliceislost" strip.  This is Chapter 4 of the continuing Alice series (Chapter 1 was in SDF #1, Chapter 2 was in Pulp Horrorshow v.3 #1, and Chapter 3 was in SDF #2.  Yeah, I know it's confusing), entitled "The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill".  Alice gets trapped in a twisted cottage by ravenous Cancer Men, and the only people that can save her are Lab Bunny and special guest star Octopus Jones! 

All in all, "Death Moth" #2 is Awesome Sauce.  Oh, and it's ADULTS ONLY!  No Kids!  Oh, and it's also my (more or less I may have miscounted but whatever) 99th Comic!  How cool is that?