Monday, May 30, 2011

Cosmic Love 2 and Other Stuff

Heyo. It's Memorial Day, so we here at TORC Press have decided to put out a new book. It's "Cosmic Love #2", and it is super duper swell. Cactus Joe and the rest of the Butterfly Gang decide to take a little time to relax in the Asteroid Belt. Unfortunately, their R&R is short lived, as a giant Space Worm shows up and tries to devour their ship, the Smile King. Violence and hijinks ensue. There's also a Cosmic Vision, as well as a brief look into the history of the Clown's Love Interest du Jour, Kikki Fortune. It's a really great issue, one of those comics that I think defines everything that's great about TORC Press. So, if you get a chance, make sure to check it out. A preview can be found at, or you can just pick it up in the online store at For those of you who don't dig buying stuff online, you can also send a check or money order for $4.00 to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824.

With the publication of CL 2, we are now 8 Comics deep into our 24 Comics Published in a Year Challenge. I'm gonna have to start stepping up my game...

Had a really lovely Memorial Day weekend. Got to ride around on my Uncle's boat, and generally got a nice chance to relax a bit. Dad (aka, my Boss at the Sawmill) will be leaving on Friday for his big cross country Motorcycle trip. It's always kind of odd when Ryan and I are left to run the Mill on our own. Who knows how that's gonna go.

This week's goal is to see how long I can go without buying groceries.

Friday, May 27, 2011

New MONSTER KING and Random Thoughts

"Pretty Music."

Yep, we're a little early again, but here's a new MONSTER KING! Huzzah! This week we see the results of a Kharma Bullet, and things near the wrapping up stage. You can view everything at

Speaking of Monster King, I'm still debating how much longer to roll with book. It doesn't seem like too many people are reading it. I've definitely got three more issues that I'd like to do, and I'm already at work on Issue 4. We'll see after that.

I've been thinking about where I'm going with all of this. I'm constantly debating all of this nonsense. I had an idea to do a big Epic. Something big and baroque. Pulling all of my disparate ideas into a single book. I spent most of the week ramming that stuff through my mind. My big fear with that is that it would get too serious. I don't want that. There's always a certain amount of seriousness that comes with action work, but I don't like the idea of doing something that's purely straight laced and square jawed.

As always, I'm not interested in stagnating. I always want to be experimenting, trying new things, new approaches. I never want to just tread water. I don't want to get bogged down in my own narrative, either. At the same time, I need to move the narrative forward. I have to keep the story moving. I don't want to do throwaway stories. It seems like so much of what Marvel and DC fart out is so...pointless. Nothing is moving, it's just Event. Reset. Event. Reset. Someone Dies. Someone gets Resurrected. Blahblahblah. Writers rotating on and off of books. Nothing stays consistent. Boring. I don't want that.

I also don't want to do much more imitating. If my work's not commercial, then why even try to imitate anyone, right? I mean, I know most people would call me something of an original, but there's still my need to "do my Kirby stuff" or "build my own Marvel" or "do my Lynch stuff". I'd like to shake that. Kirby never bothered to do anything the way anyone else did anything. Or Lynch. So why should I?

So, yeah, I've got a lot on my mind, as always.

Anyway, it's off to Kentucky Lake in a few hours for our annual, half-assed family gathering thingie. It's a nice chance to get away and relax, but it's also pretty poorly timed. The last thing I need is to dump some more gas in the tank and eat out for a couple of days.

I wish the weather would stop sucking.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nowhere Man

So, I get set down to work on "Cosmic Love" #3, and I've barely got a Panel Inked, when the Storm Siren in Clay City goes off. For a long time. So, I decided to hang out in the living room and wait out the storm. Get a call from Dad about a couple of minutes later telling me the tornadoes are on the way, and I need to take cover. So, I grab Audrey, and we hang out in a little corner of the house and listen to the rain. Eventually the power goes out. The thunderstorms eventually thin out, and after getting an "All Clear" call from Pa, Audrey and I return to the living room, where I proceed to fall asleep in the darkness. I awoke around midnight to find all of the lights were back on. Went to bed.

Not a very productive night. But, on the bright side, I didn't get tornadoed off to Oz, so I ain't complaining.

I'm nearing the end of "Broke Month", which is one of two months out of the year where all my major insurance bills come due at the same time, ensuring I've got no spare cash. It's always a bad month for me. Puts me in a really screwy mood. Of course, last night, I was pretty glad I had Home Insurance, so I suppose I can't complain.

My problem is that there are just so many things I can't figure out right now. And I don't know what to fix first. Hell, I'm starting to think I don't even know what I want at all. I dunno.

See? What did I tell you? Screwy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Road Weary

Woof. I feel crummy this morning. Whatta we got?

We're back from the MCBA Comic Show dealie. Obviously. I'd like to do the obligatory thank you to the... five? people that bought books off of us. Again, Woof. Being in my section was like being in a slaughterhouse of the imagination. All you could do was just stand there and watch as people raced up and down the aisles, avoiding us Small Press Scumbags like we were infected with the plague. I'm blaming the economy. People just don't wanna spend money on something new right now. Whatever. Doesn't change anything. I would like to take a second to thank the MCBA folks, though. They put on a grand event, the table was free, the show is very organized (a dude actually led me to my table after I checked in. That's never happened before), and the free steak dinner was dee-lish. Very cool.

Our next show is the Derby City Comicon on July 16 in Louisville, KY. Details to be found at

Right now I'm still pretty worn out from the road. I'm going to take a day or two to get my bearings, and then it's back to the Ole Drawing Board. Although this weekend is Memorial Day, so it's time for the Annual Morris Family trip down to Uncle Rodge's Cabin in Kentucky (which hopefully isn't underwater). So maybe I won't be getting much done this week.

Wow. I just can't seem to get going today.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

SpringCon, MONSTER KING, and 10 Hours on the Road

"Hell, no more Ridicerous than anything else that's happened today."

For the record, Cactus Joe has difficulty pronouncing the word "ridiculous". When he says it, it sounds like ridicerous or ridicleeous or reedickerous. So that's why it's spelled that way. It is intentional, believe it or not.

Anyway, we've got new MONSTER KING over at It's Pages 20 and 21. This week, Cactus Joe makes use of the Kharma Revolver he got off of that Frog a few pages ago. That sentence makes no sense taken in or out of context. Anyway, enjoy the continuingly cascading multi-colored madness.

In other news, TORC Press will be at the Minnesota Spring Con this weekend. Details can be found at I'll be there both days, doing my thing. This is one of the longer drives I've undertaken for a show (10 hours! Yipe!), but I get to promote the work and hang with an old buddy, so it works out okay for me.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New MONSTER KING and Minnesotta


Last week, we got a brief glimpse of the last of the Skull Mob characters I'm introducing in this insane issue, Mr. Hex. He speaks gibberish and swings a spike covered baseball bat. So there's that. Anyway, you can find Pages 18 and 19 over at We're getting close to the end of Issue 3 now. I'm not entirely sure this issue makes any sense. I'm really enjoying it though.

Other than that, TORC Press will be doing its thing over at the Midwest Comic Book Association's 2011 Spring Con. It's a new show for me, so I have no idea what to expect. Also, it is WAY out of my territory, so there's no telling how I'm gonna do. Still, feeling good. Details can be found at

I'm trying to think of something clever to end this on. I got nuthin'.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Production Updates on a Monday

Welp, another Monday, so it's back to the Mill to get stomped. Let's console ourselves with some Production Updates, shall we?

The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club- Issues 1-11 are available in the online store. Issue 12 just debuted and is available. It's really cool, which is something of a pun, considering it's a snowy mountain adventure. I sent Issue 13 to the Printers last night, which should make that one available sometime in... mid-June I think. Issue 14 is scripted, but I haven't started any of the interior work at all yet.

Monster King- Issues 1 and 2 are available in the online store. Pages 1 - 16 of Issue 3 are available for viewing for Free Online at Issue 4 is Scripted, and I've got a couple of pages done.

Cosmic Love- Issue 1 is available in the online store. I have Issue 2 in my possession, but I think I'll wait until later this month to release it in the store. Issue 3 is scripted. I've started Pencils and Inks, and CL3 is currently my top priority, work-wise.

My next Convention is the Minnesota Spring Con at St. Paul, MN on May 21-22. Details can be found at That's gonna be a loooong drive. I need to buy some new CDs...

Best Free Comic I Picked Up at FCBD: A Floyd Gottfriedson "Mickey Mouse" comic. I developed a deep and abiding love for those old Mickey Mouse newspaper strips. They feature a more two-fisted, can-do Mickey Mouse than the shameless corporate shill we've come to know and love.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


"Needle Magic-- Full Dosage."

First off, all of us at TORC Press would like to thank everyone that came out and supported the cause at Free Comic Book Day at Comic Quest in Evansville, IN. Hope you dig the books. Also, we'd like to thank the fine, fine folks at Comic Quest for giving us hard working slobs in the underground a venue to promote our work. Also, free grub. Excellent.

Second off, we've got a couple of new pages of MONSTER KING up over at This week it's Pages 16 and 17. Whatta we got this week? Welp, there's the Fleshless Horror wrecking havoc on our gallant heroes. And there's our heroes wrecking havoc on the Fleshless Horror. Armageddon Clock makes things go explode-y, and Dr. Z unleashes the violent power of Needle Magic. Also, we get the introduction of Mr. Hex and the Skullmobile.

Other than that, I'm only a few burgers away from having tried all the burgers at Red Robin. Yummmmm. I'm not eating that one with the egg on it, though. Ewwwww.

I recently did something I've really wanted to do for a long time. Having accomplished this, I wonder how many other things I can knock out before I croak. I'm thinking about compiling a bucket list and working towards it.

Production Updates on Monday.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Issue 12 of the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club Now Available

It's a new month, so that means it's time for a new comic, right? Issue 12 of "The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club" is now available from the fine folks at TORC Press (and by fine folks I mean just me, of course). It's 24 Pages of Black, White, and Grey loveliness with a Color Cover for $2.50 plus $1.50 S&H. It can be ordered online at or by sending a check or money order to: TORC Press, c/o Joseph Morris, 330 S 5th St SW, Clay City, IL 62824. There's a Free Preview of the book, featuring the cover and two preview pages, available at

In Issue 12, our heroes, the Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club, find themselves climbing up a snow covered mountain in search of the mythical "Lonely Tree". Apparently, if you meditate under the tree, it will show you a vision of your future. Sounds spiffy, right? Well, what should be a simple enough mission turns into an all-out war when our heroes run into another mountain climbing group, namely Lord NER0 and his mutant army! NER0 could care less about trees and visions, he's after the same thing he was after back in HFSAC #10, namely, another giant monster egg! Although our heroes may seem outnumbered and outgunned, it turns out that they receive some surprise help from a pair of dirty, dangerous Mercenaries. That's right, El Gorio and Lab Bunny, last seen in "SDF: Honorless Dogs", make their triumphant return from the depths of limbo to give our heroes a hand. Can our heroes succeed in making war to achieve peace? Or will that armor-plated evil doer, Lord NER0, have the last laugh? There's only one to find out, and that's by scoring the latest exciting issue of... The Hot Fudge Sundae Adventure Club! (echo, echo, echo...)